Wednesday, 22 August 2007

lovely garden


This summer a little bit and from time to time I did some lazy gardening. But I love to do it and with all the flowers, fruits, energy and life the garden loves to give me back . First pictures were made by Ashley who was fascinated by the garden and wooden constructions made by my father. She took photos and it made me think that maybe life of this garden should be more documented for my memoring and learning. And so I started to do it.

...A neverending garden story...


Wild roses on the wooden stand gate to the garden - a half not finished

I had an idea to make more round shaped beds and my mum realized it in the spring time

Nice pictures by Ash

Young lettuce from my grandfather's grenhouse


Let me do something here :-D Hehe!

I put stones to mark the paths and the beds.

Mmm yamii fertilizing mix: sifted compost, horse manure tea, and black soil from swampy place with horse manure addition. To fertilize your beds! Earthworm likes it and we like them too.

Things are growing...


Early summer

Late summer

Some cardboard mulch mess ;-)
And two 'jumping' plants fighting their space: strawberries and batata (sweet potatoes).

I brought sweet potatoes from Israel. With all those climate changes, who knows, maybe they will like it here - warm winters, hot summer... I put few cuttings to the ground and soon they sprout and gave leaves and flowers in the late summer.

Not only us like to eat radish

Helianthus tuberosus
Słonecznik bulwiasty
Jerusalem artichoke
I discovered this delicous and precious plant in Denmark where they call it 'a lemon from the north' and used in the ecolgical cuisine. I quicly fell in love in it's taste and values and brought the root to Poland. And than I learned that actually it is everywhere widely spread, consider more as a weed and noone use it in the kitchen...? Strange because the root is so good in the soup, baked with the vegetables or just raw. I think this is a future, a good alternative for the potato. But some people say it is a neophyt plant - it isn't familiar in Poland and could take over the space of other species. It arrived here around the second part of the XIX century. But if you look at all the neophyt's plants here most of them became familiar and tradtionaly used for a long time. So I don't think it should be a problem. It origins are in the North America but one of the Polish names come from the South American tribe called Tupinamba. The other one means 'sun root'. The English name 'Jerusalem artichoke' is much more confusing- it's not corelled with Jerusalem nor with an artichoke- maybe it's some folk naming.
The names etymology is fascinating but anyway more down to earth is just the topinambur's amazing versatile use.

A special microclimate in the jungle of the reed bed water treatment system


'Szara Reneta' is an old Polish apple species - very recistant and has a delicious taste!

Even in the late summer the rockets like to grow

I covered the beds with straw mulch. There is less work now with the weeds and it looks nice.

Who are those friends?

The more gardening I do the more I have to face different questions like those lovely pests called:

Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Colorado beetle
Potato beetle
chrząszcz kolorado
or simply: stonka in Polish

You will find its name in many languages... since 1877 when it arrived to Europe from the North America. It spread very fast and came to Poland in the 40s XX century. It became a big problem destroying all the potato fields. The Soviet dictatores used it for the political propaganda - blaiming U.S.A. the socialism enemies for the political diversion and food deficit.
A short propaganda movie in Polish:
Summer time of the 40' and 50' it was mechnically killed in the large scale socalistic actions. After than they started to use a terrible chemical poison DDT.
yeah, I'm really intersted in my pests. 'Stonka' is a terrible and amazingly strong insect. It can spread very fast, can lay as many as 800 eggs and is very resistance to the toxins and low temperature. It has developed resistance to all major insecticide classes but off course it's the only way people fight it in the conventional way. It fed mostly on the potatoes but it can shift to the other plants to survive. In our garden they ate the leaves and fruits of the tomatoes. The only known natural enemy of that beetle is a pheasant who eats it's larvas. I don't know how to treat them. They are really beautiful beings. But I kill them like my aunt teached me when I was young. They have orange poisoning jucie inside...ble Maybe I will look for a pheasant for the next vegetation... or rather train my dog to hunt them ;o)

String bean flowers

The best bean I ate in my life so far!!! Summer 2007!
Very long green
strings of a special stand like type of the beans.
For sure I must collect the seeds.

Powerful colourful flower

cold wind blowing...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's lovely. i love that pictures, there're beautiful. :):):)
